About Us

What's A Farmer Mommy?

Who is this person? Someone who has read books, and articles, and how to's before committing to purchase baby chicks. She had the resources to build a sturdy indoor and outdoor coop to keep predators out. She takes the time and effort to keep her flock healthy, fed and watered daily even when the cold winters are a blowing.

What's it about? When summers are hot she puts fans in their coops, and gives cold fresh water more than once during the day. 

Whereas: She doesn’t put up with mean roosters that want to dominate. She can stand against them as needed a few times to let them know she is large and in charge. And tells her roosters to behave themselves in front of her!

When: She will watch the flock diligently and protect the weaker hens who are picked on, and hurt by the mating ritual. A chicken that managed to get under, around or over fences, had to be found and rescued. Farmer mommy also saw the poor things have a little bird brain and can't remember how to get back to whence they came. Some of the other hens wanted to go with her but couldn't figure out how to do so.

Why: Raises them for fun and discovered that her happy, healthy chickens make the best tasting eggs in America!



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